On July 26, 2022, the Club declared bankruptcy in Federal Court. We created a special Bankruptcy web page to provide information about this action in Federal Bankruptcy Court

Pompano Senior Squadron Flying Club, Inc. vs Carl L. Kennedy, II

Carl Kennedy was elected to Club Treasurer to fill a mid-year vacancy in 2014 and was subsequently elected to five successive terms by the membership. Carl decided not to run for re-election in February 2020, so his term ended on February 12, 2020 with the election of his successor, Andrew Bilukha. Read more…

We have a local “mirror” of the original case docket (17th Judicial Circuit Court, Broward County, Florida, April 7, 2020) but the currently inactive docket for this case is available on the Broward County Court web site (Case Number is CACE20005993).

On July 26, 2022, four days after an “emergency meeting” of the Club’s membership, the Pompano Senior Squadron Flying Club, Inc. (DBA Pompano Beach Flying Club) filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. A month later, on August 25, 2022, the Club “removed” its complaint against Kennedy from Broward County to be an “adversary” component of its bankruptcy case.  We have included a local mirror of the adversary proceeding against Kennedy on the page describing the Club’s litigation against Kennedy, but you can also see a free mirror of the case docket on the free courtlistener.com web site.

Borers vs. Pompano Beach Flying Club

Small Claims Court, West Regional Courthouse, Broward County, Florida
— Complaint filed on October 19, 2020 —
— Judgment for Plaintiff April 14, 2021 —
— Appeal filed on May 5, 2021 —
— Appeal DENIED (Judgment Affirmed) on December 1, 2021 —

On April 12, 2018, Steven Borer submitted an application and the $1,700 refundable Membership Fee to the Club. Within six months, around October 2018, Steven withdrew from the Club and requested the refund of his Membership Fee. He did not receive the refund. Steven wrote to the Club Treasurer, who acknowledged the debt but explained the Club was short on cash, but that Steven was in line for his refund. This case is now closed at Broward County. The judge issued a ruling in the Borer’s favor. The Club appealed that ruling to the Fourth District Court of Appeal (an appeal which they lost). On December 1, 2021, the Court of Appeal issued a Per Curiam Opinion affirming (sustaining) the Final Judgment. Read more…

We have a local “mirror” of this case docket at Broward County and the Court of Appeal on this web site, but the docket for this case at Broward is available on the Broward County Court web site (Case Number is CONO20010538) and at the Florida Fourth District Court of Appeal Docket, Case 4D21-1520.

Sunwood, Inc. v. Pompano Senior Squadron Flying Club, Inc.

Circuit Court, Broward County, Florida
— Complaint filed on February 16, 2021 —

Sunwood, Inc. is suing the Club for nonpayment of a loan for $100,000 they claim was extended on September 24, 2018, and remains unpaid.

On May 26, 2022, the Court issued a Final Summary Judgment AGAINST the Club for $117,624.24 (including costs and interest to date) plus 4.25% interest from May 26, 2022, closing the case. The Club’s Third-Party Complaint against Carl L. Kennedy II was dismissed on September 11, 2023.

We have a local “mirror” of this case docket on this web site, but the Docket for this case is available on the Broward County Court web site (Case Number is CACE2100320)

Paul K. Sanchez v. Pompano Senior Squadron Flying Club, Inc.

Circuit Court, Broward County, Florida
— Complaint filed on March 31, 2021 —

Paul K. Sanchez is suing the Club for nonpayment of a series of unpaid loans beginning in 2017 totaling $69,800 plus 10% compound interest. Although a summons was issued to have Broward County Sheriff serve the Complaint to Club President Greg Gilhooly, it is unclear if the summons has been served and no attorney representing the Club has filed an appearance in the case. This case was “removed” into the Bankruptcy case and there have been numerous filings related to Sanchez, but no definitive resolution. The Club’s Third-Party Complaint against Carl L. Kennedy II was dismissed on September 11, 2023.

We have a local “mirror” of this case docket on this web site, but the “Live” Docket for this case is available on the Broward County Court web site (Case Number is CACE 21006666)

Lloyd & Graham Hill vs Pompano Senior Squadron Flying Club, Inc.

Small Claims Court, North Regional Courthouse, Broward County, Florida
— Complaint filed on July 16, 2020 —

Pompano Beach resident Lloyd Hill and his son Graham completed applications to the Club on November 30, 2018, and Lloyd tendered the $1,700 refundable deposit for Graham’s membership the next day, December 1, 2018. Graham was an aspiring student pilot and Lloyd, being a pilot and CFI himself, thought that Graham’s membership in the Club would be a convenient way for Graham to get his Private Pilot License and build flying experience. Read more…

This case WAS closed pursuant to an Agreed Order of Dismissal with Prejudice filed on December 9, 2020 that included the confidential filing of some settlement terms under seal.  However, on November 6, 2021, the Hills filed a Motion to Unseal the confidential document because, they alleged, the Club’s attorney breached the confidentiality. On January 14, 2022, the Judge signed an Agreed Order to unseal the Confidential Statement which is now a matter of public record. We have a local “mirror” of this case docket on this web site, but the docket for this case is available on the Broward County Court web site (Case Number is CONO20010538)

Filing Your Own Small Claims Case

We have provided a special page describing the process of how to file your own complaint for return of your refundable fee.