This is a web page version of the Club’s Operational Rules dated May 12, 2020, which are available here as an annotated PDF file.
Although every attempt has been made to avoid format errors, please let us know if you find any.

Pompano Beach Flying Club
Operational Rules May 12, 2020

  1. Flight Limitations:
    1. Members of the Pompano Beach Flying Club (“Club”) shall observe, abide by and obey all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and state, local airport and Club rules. Also, members are additionally limited by the following:
      1. No member of the Club shall execute any maneuver that is prohibited or restricted according to the aircraft operations manual.
      2. The aircraft shall be operated only to and from those landing areas that are shown on sectional charts. Operations from other landing areas will be permitted only upon the prior approval of the Board of Directors.
      3. Use of the Club aircraft for commercial purposes is prohibited.
      4. Use of the Club aircraft for charitable purposes is prohibited.
      5. Smoking or the consumption of alcohol by a member or passengers while operating a Club aircraft is strictly prohibited.
  2. Pilot Eligibility:
    1. Only a Club member and Club approved CFI may operate a Club aircraft.
      1. An exception to this may be certain maintenance personnel outside of the Club that are insured and provide proof of this insurance to the Club’s Maintenance Coordinator.
    2. A Club member shall be Pilot-In-Command (“PIC”) of Club aircraft at all times except club approved CFI.
      1. The PIC shall occupy the left front seat unless approved by the Chief Pilot to fly from the right seat. Only a Club approved member or instructor may fly or instruct from the right seat and be PIC.
      2. Authorization to operate a Club aircraft as PIC from other than the normal solo/PIC position will be considered only for members actively engaged in preparation for an Instructor Rating.
      3. Authorization (logbook endorsement) will be given only by a Club approved instructor following demonstrated competence in Club aircraft.
      4. The PIC status of a member during the scheduled period of use must be indisputable. In this regard, a licensed or unlicensed non-member is not permitted to occupy the left front seat.
      5. Student pilots cannot be PIC except during SOLO flight approved and endorsed by their CFI.

      (The purpose of Pilot Eligibility Rules is to ensure that the responsibility for a Club aircraft as may be determined by FAR would never be with a non-member)

    3. All Flying Club members must meet the following Club Insurance requirements (flying in violation of these requirements VOIDS the insurance coverage for the Club as well as the operating pilot)
      1. Must be a Club member.
      2. Have a Student, Private, Commercial, or Airline Transport Pilot Certificate with at least Private Pilot privileges for the Airplane, Single Engine Land category and class rating.
      3. Have a current and valid medical certificate
        Have satisfied all recurring training and recent flight experience requirements under 14CFR 61.56 and 61.57 and provide the Chief Pilot with copies of appropriate logbook entries showing 61.56 compliance (flight reviews).
      4. Have received a checkout from, and written approval of, a Certified Flight Instructor (“CFI”) in the same make and model as the insured aircraft. If checkout is done in lesser size aircraft limitations will be imposed. (The CFI must either be the Club’s Chief Pilot or a Club CFI approved by the Club’s Chief Pilot)
      5. Additional Requirements to fly the Cherokee 6:
        1. Have at least 200 hours of total logged flight time-
        2. Have at least 5 hours logged pilot time in the same make and model as the insured aircraft if the pilot has 25 hours or more in aircraft with horsepower equal to or greater than 210; or;
        3. Have at least 10 hours logged pilot time in the same make and model as the insured aircraft if the pilot has less than 25 hours logged pilot time in aircraft with horsepower equal to or greater than 210.
        4. Have at least 3 hours logged pilot time in the same make and model as the insured aircraft in the preceding 180 days, or have taken and passed a currency check-out in the insured aircraft, and written approval from a CFI in the preceding 45 days; Note: A member may receive dual flight instruction in the insured aircraft from a (Club Member) Certified Flight Instructor to meet these requirements.
    4. Club aircraft may not be flown by members who are on a “NO-FLY” status. No-Fly is defined as those members with accounts that have not been paid by the end of the grace period (the 15th plus 7 days, = the 22nd of the month) or who do not meet the requirements of section 2C.
  3. Reservations:
    1. All flying time shall be scheduled in advance of the proposed flight. All flight reservations shall be made using the on-line Schedule Master reservations system or may be adjusted by calling 1-800-414-6114 at Schedule Master. All flights must be reflected in Schedule Master before start of flight and checkout.
    2. Any member more than 60 minutes late for his/her appointment shall forfeit the remainder of his/her period to any member desiring it. Prior to taking the plane every effort should be made to contact the no-show member. Members must update reservation in Schedule Master when any delays or cancellation occur one hour in advance. Cancellations due to weather at home base or destination are an exception to this rule.
    3. Trips that are seven (7) days or longer in duration and meet the trip guidelines (see D below) must be approved in advance by the President. The member must e-mail an extended trip request to the President and the Maintenance Coordinator a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended trip. The President will notify the member of final approval or denial based on plane maintenance schedules or other issues.
    4. Members are responsible to schedule planes according to the following trip guidelines (exceptions may be made with Board Approval based on trip circumstances)
    5. Max 3 reservations is allowed at any time for same pilot.
      1. Any single reservation for seven (7) days or more requires that the aircraft, (upon its return) remain available for a like period before the next extended reservation.
      2. Fourteen (14) consecutive days shall be the maximum single plane reservation. During such a reservation, the remaining aircraft cannot be reserved for more than seven (7) consecutive days.
    6. Minimum Tach Time. No minimum tach time is currently being charged for minimum use of the aircraft provided there is an aircraft generally available for use by other members. If any member abuses this privilege and complaints are made by other members, the Board will consider action to be taken. The Board of Directors will consider Minimum Tach Time for an extended trip request.
  4. Responsibility:
    1. It is the responsibility of each member to keep his/her account current and not exceed maximum outstanding balance. Any amounts due are required to be paid by the 15th of each calendar month. If a member fails to pay any amounts due by the due date of the 15th of each month plus a seven (7) day grace period, the member is automatically placed on a “NO-FLY” status without any notification by the Club.
    2. Any member who has failed to pay in full by the 22th will incur a late charge of 10% . Any member who incurs a late fee twice in a 12-month period will be required to put a credit card on file. If a member’s payment is not received by the 25th of the month, he or she will be suspended from using Club aircraft, and all schedules between the 26th of the current month and 15th of the following month will be deleted. If payment is not made by the 15th of the following month, all future reservations will be deleted. The member will be reinstated after his or her account is made current, but reservations lost due to the suspension can only be rescheduled if that time is still available.
    3. In all cases, whether local or cross-country, it will be the responsibility of the member using the aircraft to make a pre-flight inspection prior to each flight. Complete the preflight in ScheduleMaster for the aircraft in use.
    4. Any member during pre-flight finding an aircraft dirty or with damage is responsible for reporting the dirt or damage and should note this in Schedule Master, under “Resource Info Tab”, “Maintenance”, “Squawks, “Aircraft”.
    5. Problems involving safety of flight or airworthiness must be noted in the aircraft “Squawk section in Schedule Master. A notice or grounding placard should be placed on the yoke if grounding the aircraft is appropriate.
    6. All damage or problems entered in Schedule Master must also be reported to one of the Board Members by e-mail at member’s earliest convenience.
    7. It is the responsibility of the operating pilot to check the last recorded tach time prior to flight.
    8. After each flight, the member shall leave the aircraft in a clean condition.
    9. After flights to Bahamas, the plane needs to be completely hosed down.
    10. After each flight, the member shall conduct a full post-flight check and complete the postflight in ScheduleMaster including tach times start and end. The aircraft to be placed in its tie-down position unless the next member to fly is on hand to take over.
    11. Each member is responsible for refueling to the tabs and properly securing the aircraft after his or her use of the aircraft. If returning after the fuel facilities are closed, the member must contact and notify the next scheduled user of the aircraft, and telephone a request to the fuel supplier for fuel on the following morning. Propper refueling is to the tabs.
    12. Smoking or E-cigarettes is not allowed in any of the Club aircraft or in the Club hangar
    13. Any lost aircraft Key will result in a replacement charge per key.
    14. The keys remain the property of the Club and must be returned to the Board of Directors upon resignation of membership or upon request from the Board of Directors.
    15. Each club member shall make his/her logbook available for review by the Board of Directors upon request by a majority vote by the Board.
    16. Each club member shall report to the Board of Directors immediately any aircraft accident or incident, whether in a club or non-club aircraft; or surrender, suspension, or revocation of their pilot or driver’s license, or any arrest or charge for operating an aircraft or motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  5. Member Fees (See Attachment “A” for Current Fee Rates):
    1. Members will be charged fees, or receive credits, as prescribed by the Board of Directors for the following-
      1. Tach Time
      2. Monthly Dues
      3. Late Fees, lost keys, cleanliness of aircraft
      4. Credits for Fuel and Oil
      5. Credits for Maintenance
    2. Tach Time. Each member will be charged for aircraft time as indicated by the tachometer on each aircraft flown by that member.
    3. Monthly Dues. Each member will be charged monthly dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
    4. Late Fees, Lost Keys, Cleanliness of aircraft. Invoices are due by the 15th of each month. A grace period of seven (7) days will be given to allow for mail time and other delays. Each member will be charged a late fee of 10% if received by the Treasurer after the 22nd of the calendar month. Any members who incurs a late fee twice in 12 months will be required to put a credit card on file.
    5. Lost Keys, there will be a 10.00 $ fee for each of the lost keys.
    6. Aircraft not properly checked in, there will be a fee for not properly check in the plane after flight and properly secured and cleaned. 1st offence -warning. 2nd offence 35.00 $ fee. Upon more than 2 offences, member could be expelled by the board.
    7. Credits for Fuel and Oil. On cross-country flights all fuel, oil and routine service bills, except airport tolls and hanger fees, paid by the member will be deducted from his/her account after such receipts are presented to the Treasurer. Fuel cost will be credited up to SheltAir average monthly fuel cost per Gallon. See attachment A 1a
    8. Credits for Maintenance. Any maintenance expenses exceeding $400 must be approved by the Club’s Maintenance Coordinator, his assistant, or any Club Officer, if practicable. All receipts must indicate the aircraft number, date, service or fuel/oil itemized and rendering dealer. All authorized maintenance will be credited to the members account (or paid to the member) after receipts are presented to the Treasurer. All receipts must indicate the aircraft number, date, service or fuel/oil itemized and rendering dealer. Exceptions will be made for any emergency repairs as deemed necessary by the Maintenance Coordinator or board member
  6. Violations and Expulsions:
    1. Violation of Rules. A violation of any of the rules by a member renders him/her liable to expulsion, a temporary flight suspension, a monetary fine, or any combination of the above; as determined by the Board of Directors. Expulsion from the Club will be considered in certain cases upon two-thirds vote of Club members in a “Special Meeting”. Expulsion will be considered for repeated late payments of invoices past the due date of the 15 of the months, or for use of a club aircraft by members in a No-fly status, or other repeated violations where the member have been found liable at least twice before.
    2. Automatic Expulsion. Certain infractions are considered extreme and are grounds for automatic expulsion without a meeting of the Board of Directors or a vote by the Club. These infractions include-
      • Non-payment of all amounts owed to club which exceeding the maximum balance owed ref attachment A4.
      • Use of a club aircraft in violation of the Club’s insurance requirements.
  7. Inactive member status may be granted by the Board of Directors upon request by a member when the member will be out of town or unavailable for approximately 6 months or more and desires to leave his equity in the club. No dues or fees will be charged to an inactive member. An Inactive member may return to active status upon request and will be given priority over other applicants at the time. May also be subject to a club CFI check out per paragraph 2.
  8. Changes and Amendments:
    1. Changes to, or amendments to these Operational Rules may be approved only by the majority vote of the Board of Directors or by a majority vote of the Club members present at a regular Club meeting.


1. Hourly Rate N47LH & N30877 Piper Archer $ 140.00 per hour wet rate based on tachometer time.
  N8633E & N7696F Warrior $ 115.00 per hour wet rate Based on tachometer time.
  N2921S Cherokee 6-300 $ 120.00 per hour dry rate based on tachometer time.
  N81250 Warrior $ 75.00 per hour dry rate Based on tachometer time
2. Fuel purchased by members will be reimbursed at the rate/gallon the club is charged by SheltAir. Submit your fuel receipt with your payment and your next bill will be credited.
3. Monthly Dues $165.00
4. Maximum outstanding balance on account, $800.00
5. Late Fees 10% of amount owed to Club not received by the 22nd of the month.
6. New Member Referral Fee. $100 awarded to a member who refers someone who joins the Club.
7. Membership in Club is limited to 16 members per aircraft active members. An inactive member is defined as a member who has been granted an inactive status under section 7. The Club’s membership may be increased based on the number of inactive members.
8. Membership Fee non-refundable is 499.00$ plus a 1.00 $ cost of one share in the club.
An individual is considered a member when he or she has submitted a properly prepared Application which meets membership criteria and has paid the Membership Fee. When a Member withdraws from the Club, the cost of the share will be refunded.